Reg. No. 9 Accreditation for testing and calibration

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EA Scope Equipment Quantity Range
Method Remark In Situ Location
Temperature Temperature Gauges Temperature 250   °C 650   °C 0,06  °C 0,06  °C Digital thermometer FT doc. 50.13 Ambient temperature X Vejen
Temperature Temperature Gauges Temperature -70   °C 150   °C 0,03  °C 0,03  °C Digital thermometer. FT doc. 50.13 Ambient temperature 21,5 ± 3,0 °C. Vejen
Temperature Temperature Gauges Temperature 150   °C 200   °C 0,04  °C 0,04  °C Digital thermometer. FT doc. 50.13 Ambient temperature 21,5 ± 3,0 °C. Vejen
Temperature Temperature Gauges Temperature 200   °C 450   °C 0,06  °C 0,06  °C Digital thermometer. FT doc. 50.13 Ambient temperature 21,5 ± 3,0 °C. Vejen
Temperature Temperature Gauges Temperature 450   °C 600   °C 1  °C 1  °C Digital thermometer. FT doc. 50.13 Ambient temperature 21,5 ± 3,0 °C. Vejen
Temperature Temperature Gauges Temperature 600   °C 1000   °C 1,5  °C 1,5  °C Digital thermometer. FT doc. 50.13 Ambient temperature 21,5 ± 3,0 °C. Vejen
Temperature Temperature Gauges Temperature 1000   °C 1200   °C 2  °C 2  °C Digital thermometer. FT doc. 50.13 Ambient temperature 21,5 ± 3,0 °C. Vejen
Temperature Thermostat baths and ovens Temperature -70   °C 150   °C 0,03  °C 0,03  °C Digital thermometer. FT doc. 50.13 Ambient temperature 21,5 ± 3,0 °C. Vejen
Temperature Thermostat baths and ovens Temperature 150   °C 200   °C 0,04  °C 0,04  °C Digital thermometer. FT doc. 50.13 Ambient temperature 21,5 ± 3,0 °C. Vejen
Temperature Thermostat baths and ovens Temperature 200   °C 450   °C 0,08  °C 0,08  °C Digital thermometer. FT doc. 50.13 Ambient temperature 21,5 ± 3,0 °C. Vejen
Temperature Thermostat baths and ovens Temperature 450   °C 600   °C 1  °C 1  °C Digital thermometer. FT doc. 50.13 Ambient temperature 21,5 ± 3,0 °C. Vejen
Temperature Thermostat baths and ovens Temperature 600   °C 1000   °C 2  °C 2  °C Digital thermometer. FT doc. 50.13 Ambient temperature 21,5 ± 3,0 °C. Vejen
Temperature Thermostat baths and ovens Temperature 1000   °C 1200   °C 3  °C 3  °C Digital thermometer. FT doc. 50.13 Ambient temperature 21,5 ± 3,0 °C. Vejen
Temperature Pyrometers and IR equipments Temperature -30   °C 0   °C 1,3  °C 0,8  °C Kavitet FT doc. 50.13 Ambient temperature 21,5 ± 3,0 °C. Bølgelængdeområde 8 – 14 µm. Vejen
Temperature Pyrometers and IR equipments Temperature 0   °C 50   °C 0,8  °C 0,8  °C Kavitet FT doc. 50.13 Ambient temperature 21,5 ± 3,0 °C. Bølgelængdeområde 8 – 14 µm. Vejen
Temperature Pyrometers and IR equipments Temperature 50   °C 250   °C 1,3  °C 2,1  °C Black body FT doc. 50.13 Ambient temperature 21,5 ± 3,0 °C. Bølgelængdeområde 8 – 14 µm. Vejen
Temperature Pyrometers and IR equipments Temperature 250   °C 300   °C 2,1  °C 3,8  °C Black body FT doc. 50.13 Ambient temperature 21,5 ± 3,0 °C. Bølgelængdeområde 8 – 14 µm. Vejen
Temperature Temperature Gauges Temperature -40   °C 200   °C 0,1  °C 0,1  °C Digital thermometer. FT doc. 50.13 Ambient temperature X Vejen
Temperature Temperature Gauges Temperature 200   °C 450   °C 0,15  °C 0,15  °C Digital thermometer. FT doc. 50.13 Ambient temperature X Vejen
Temperature Temperature Gauges Temperature 450   °C 1200   °C 3  °C 3  °C Digital thermometer. FT doc. 50.13 Ambient temperature X Vejen
Pressure and vacuum Manometers Pressure 0,5   MPa 20   MPa 35  Pa 975  Pa Deadweight tester. FT doc. 50.7 and/or EURAMET/cg-17/v.01. Differential pressure, gas. U = 32 + 5E-5*dP+2E-6*P Brøndby
Temperature Temperature Gauges Temperature -10   °C 50   °C 0,4  °C 0,4  °C Reference resistance, thermometer, reference thermo element FT doc. 50.14 Dry block X In-situ only
Pressure and vacuum Manometers Pressure 2,5   kPa 12   kPa 0,15  kPa 0,15  kPa Transducer FT doc. 50.14 Relative pressure X Vejen
Pressure and vacuum Manometers Pressure 100   kPa 600   kPa 0,5  kPa 0,5  kPa Transducer FT doc. 50.14 Absolute pressure X Vejen
Mass Weighing instruments Mass 10   mg 5,3   kg 0,016  mg 17  mg E2 weights EN 45501, MDIR 24.12-01, MDIR 34.11-01, FT doc. 50.10.9. Verification of approved, non-automatic weighing instruments, class I, II, III and IV X Brøndby
Mass Weighing instruments Mass 5,3   kg 37   kg 53  mg 370  mg F1 weights EN 45501, MDIR 24.12-01, MDIR 34.11-01, FT doc. 50.10.9. Calibratioin of approved, non-automatic weighing instrument, class II, III, IV X Brøndby
Mass Weighing instruments Mass 37   kg 400   kg 1,1  g 12  g F2 weights EN 45501, MDIR 24.12-01, MDIR 34.11-01, FT doc. 50.10.9. Calibratioin of approved, non-automatic weighing instrument, class II, III, IV X Brøndby
Mass Weighing instruments Mass 400   kg 2000   kg 40  g 200  g M1 weights EN 45501, MDIR 24.12-01, MDIR 34.11-01, FT doc. 50.10.9. Calibratioin of approved, non-automatic weighing instrument, class II, III, IV X Brøndby
Mass Weighing instruments Mass 2000   kg 120000   kg 640  g 38  kg M2 weights EN 45501, MDIR 24.12-01, MDIR 34.11-01, FT doc. 50.10.9. Calibratioin of approved, non-automatic weighing instruments, class II, III, IV X Brøndby
Mass Weighing instruments Mass 1   g 1000   g 30  mg 30  mg E2 weights, Mettler-Toledo PG5002-SDR/m MDIR 24.31-01:1998, MDIR 24.32-01:1987, OIML R61-1:2004, FT doc. 50.10.1. Calibration of approved, automatic gravimetric catch weighing instruments. Calibration of automatic gravimetric catch weighing instruments according to OIML R61. X Brøndby
Mass Weighing instruments Mass 1   kg 5,1   kg 300  mg 300  mg E2 og F1 weights, Mettler-Toledo PG5002-SDR/m MDIR 24.31-01:1998, MDIR 24.32-01:1987, OIML R61-1:2004, FT doc. 50.10.1. Calibration of approved, automatic gravimetric catch weighing instruments. Calibration of automatic gravimetric catch weighing instruments according to OIML R61. X Brøndby
Mass Weighing instruments Mass 5,1   kg 60   kg 3  g 3  g F1 og F2 weights, Mettler-Toledo KB60 MDIR 24.31-01:1998, MDIR 24.32-01:1987, OIML R61-1:2004, FT doc. 50.10.1. Calibration of approved, automatic gravimetric catch weighing instruments. Calibration of automatic gravimetric catch weighing instruments according to OIML R61. X Brøndby
Mass Weighing instruments Mass 60   kg 600   kg 100  g 100  g F2 og M1 weights, class II MDIR 24.31-01:1998, MDIR 24.32-01:1987, OIML R61-1:2004, FT doc. 50.10.1. Calibration of approved, automatic gravimetric catch weighing instruments. Calibration of automatic gravimetric catch weighing instruments according to OIML R61. X Brøndby
Mass Weighing instruments Mass 600   kg 1500   kg 200  g 200  g M1 weights, class II MDIR 24.31-01:1998, MDIR 24.32-01:1987, OIML R61-1:2004, FT doc. 50.10.1. Calibration of approved, automatic gravimetric catch weighing instruments. Calibration of automatic gravimetric catch weighing instruments according to OIML R61. X Brøndby
Mass Weighing instruments Mass 500   mg 10000   kg 12  mg 49  kg Articles intended for normal use or weights MDIR 24.31-01:1998, OIML R51-1:2006, FT docs. 50.10.22, 50.10.23, 50.10.24 and 50.10.25 Test of automatic catchweighing instruments as part of initial verification or re-verification. X Brøndby
Mass Weighing instruments Mass 2   g 20   kg 0,62  g 3,1  g F1 weights MM.215, MM.06 and FT doc. 50.10.5. Calibration of automatic scales for discontinued totalising weighing approved according to old danish technical regulations X Brøndby
Mass Weighing instruments Mass 20   kg 500   kg 3,1  g 62  g F2 weights MM.215, MM.06 and FT doc. 50.10.5. Calibration of automatic scales for discontinued totalising weighing approved according to old danish technical regulations X Brøndby
Mass Weighing instruments Mass 500   kg 15000   kg 0,062  kg 1,6  kg M1 weights MM.215, MM.06 and FT doc. 50.10.5. Calibration of automatic scales for discontinued totalising weighing approved according to old danish technical regulations X Brøndby
Mass Weighing instruments Mass 2   g 20   kg 0,62  g 3,1  g F1 weights MID, OIML R107 and FT doc. 50.10.7. Calibration of discontinuos hopper scales according to OIML R107 or 'Måleinstrumentdirektivet' X Brøndby
Mass Weighing instruments Mass 20   kg 500   kg 3,1  g 62  g F2 weights MID, OIML R107 and FT doc. 50.10.7. Calibration of discontinuos hopper scales according to OIML R107 or 'Måleinstrumentdirektivet' X Brøndby
Mass Weighing instruments Mass 500   kg 15000   kg 0,062  kg 1,6  kg M1 weights MID, OIML R107 and FT doc.50.10.7. Calibration of discontinuos hopper scles according to OIML R107 or 'Måleinstrumentdirektivet' X Brøndby
Mass Weighing instruments Mass 50   kg 1450   kg 0,11  kg 0,14  kg Weighing instrument with max load 1500 kg and container for weighed material MID, MDIR 24.31-01, OIML R50, FT docs. 50.10.8, 50.10.26. Calibration of continuos hopper scales according to OIML R50 or 'Måleinstrumentdirektivet' X Brøndby
Mass Weighing instruments Mass 1000   kg 14000   kg 11  kg 11  kg Weights, weighing instrument with max load 60 t and container for weighed material MID, MDIR 24.31-01, OIML R50, FT docs. 50.10.8, 50.10.26. Calibration of continuos hopper scales according to OIML R50 or 'Måleinstrumentdirektivet' X Brøndby
Mass Weighing instruments Mass 5000   kg 45000   kg 12  kg 15  kg Weights, weighing instrument with max load 60t and container for weighed material MID, MDIR 24.31-01, OIML R50, FT docs. 50.10.8, 50.10.26. Calibration of continuos hopper scales according to OIML R50 or 'Måleinstrumentdirektivet' X Brøndby
Mass Weighing instruments Mass 50   kg 1450   kg 0,11  kg 0,14  kg Weights, weighing instrument with max load 1500 kg and container for weighed material MDIR 34.61-01, FT docs. 50.10.28, 50.10.26. Calibration of automatic scales for continuous, totalising weighing according to MDIR 34.61-01 X Brøndby
Mass Weighing instruments Mass 1000   kg 14000   kg 11  kg 11  kg Weights, weighing instrument with max load 60 t and container for weighed material MDIR 34.61-01, FT docs. 50.10.28, 50.10.26. Calibration of automatic scales for continuous, totalising weighing according to MDIR 34.61-01 X Brøndby
Mass Weighing instruments Mass 5000   kg 45000   kg 12  kg 15  kg Weights, weighing instrument with max load 60 t and container for weighed material MDIR 34.61-01, FT docs. 50.10.28, 50.10.26. Calibration of automatic scales for continuous, totalising weighing according to MDIR 34.61-01 X Brøndby
Mass Weighing instruments Mass 1   mg 5   kg 0,0093  mg 9,5  mg E2 weights FT doc. 50.10.26. Static calibration of non-automatic scales. X Brøndby
Mass Weighing instruments Mass 5   kg 20   kg 30  mg 0,12  g F1 weights FT doc. 50.10.26. Static calibration of non-automatic scales X Brøndby
Mass Weighing instruments Mass 20   kg 500   kg 0,36  g 9,5  g F2 weights FT doc. 50.10.26. Static calibration of non-automatic scales X Brøndby