EMC Prøvning |
Medicinsk udstyr |
ANSI/CTA-2051-2017 Personal Sound Amplification Performance Criteria |
Odense |
Akustisk prøvning |
Medicinsk udstyr |
IEC 60645-1:2017 Audiological equipment Part 1: Pure tone audiometers |
Scope: Air conduction sound pressure level, frequency and speech level. Frequency range: Frequency: 125 Hz – 8 kHz. |
Odense |
Akustisk prøvning |
Medicinsk udstyr |
ISO 389-1:2017 Acoustics — Reference zero for the calibration of audiometric equipment — Part 1: Reference equivalent threshold sound pressure levels for pure tones and supraaural earphones |
Odense |
Akustisk prøvning |
Medicinsk udstyr |
ISO 389-2:1994 Acoustics - Reference zero for the calibration of audiometric equipment Part 2: Reference equivalent threshold sound pressure levels for pure tones and insert earphones |
Odense |
Akustisk prøvning |
Medicinsk udstyr |
ISO 389-3:1994 /Cor 1:1995 Acoustics - Reference zero for the calibration of audiometric equipment - Part 3: Reference equivalent threshold force levels for pure tones and bone vibrators |
Odense |
Akustisk prøvning |
Medicinsk udstyr |
ISO 389-4:1994 Acoustics - Reference zero for the calibration of audiometric equipment - Part 4: Reference levels for narrow-band masking noise |
Odense |
Akustisk prøvning |
Medicinsk udstyr |
ISO 389-5:2006 Acoustics - Reference zero for the calibration of audiometric equipment - Part 5: Reference equivalent threshold sound pressure levels for pure tones in the frequency range 8 kHz to 16 kHz |
Odense |
Akustisk prøvning |
Medicinsk udstyr |
ISO 389-6:2007 Acoustics - Reference zero for the calibration of audiometric equipment - Part 6: Reference threshold of hearing for test signals of short duration |
Odense |
Akustisk prøvning |
Medicinsk udstyr |
ISO 389-7:2005 Acoustics - Reference zero for the calibration of audiometric equipment - Part 7: Reference threshold of hearing under free-field and diffuse-field listening conditions |
Odense |
Akustisk prøvning |
Medicinsk udstyr |
ISO 389-8:2004 Acoustics - Reference zero for the calibration of audiometric equipment - Part 8: Reference equivalent threshold sound pressure levels for pure tones and circumaural earphones |
Odense |
Akustisk prøvning |
Medicinsk udstyr |
Produktstandard |
IEC 60601-2-66:2012 Medical Electrical Equipment. Part 2-66 Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of hearing instruments and hearing instrument systems |
Medical Product - Type Testing |
All tests |
Hørsholm, Odense |
Akustisk prøvning |
Medicinsk udstyr |
Produktstandard |
IEC 60601-2-66:2015 Ed 2 Medical Electrical Equipment. Part 2-66 Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of hearing instruments and hearing instrument systems |
Medical Product - Type Testing |
All tests |
Hørsholm, Odense |
Akustisk prøvning |
Medicinsk udstyr |
Produktstandard |
IEC 60601-2-66:2019 Ed 3 Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-66: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of hearing aids and hearing aid systems |
Medical Product - Type Testing |
All tests |
Hørsholm, Odense |
Akustisk prøvning |
Medicinsk udstyr |
Audiometers |
ISO 8253-1:2010 Part 1 Acoustics - Audiometric test methods - Part 1: Pure-tone air and bone conduction audiometry |
Electroacoustic charactheristics |
Odense |
Akustisk prøvning |
Medicinsk udstyr |
Audiometers |
ISO 8253-3:2012 Acoustics -- Audiometric test methods -- Part 3: Speech audiometry |
Electroacoustic charactheristics |
Odense |
Akustisk prøvning |
Medicinsk udstyr |
Audiometers |
ISO 8253-2:2012 Part 2: Acoustics - Audiometric test methods - Part 2: Sound field audiometry with pure-tone and narrow-band test signals |
Electroacoustic charactheristics |
Odense |
Fysisk og mekanisk prøvning |
Personlige værnemidler |
Åndedrætsværn |
Partikel filter penetration (Natriumchlorid Aerosol og Paraffinolie Aerosol) |
EN 13274-7:2019. Respiratory protective devices – Methods of test – Part 7: Determination of particle filter penetration |
Prgf. 5.4, 5.5, 6, 7 |
Brøndby |
Fysisk og mekanisk prøvning |
Personlige værnemidler |
Åndedrætsværn |
Brændbarhed/antændelse |
EN 13274-4:2020. Respiratory protective devices – Methods of test; Part 4: Flame test |
Brøndby |
Fysisk og mekanisk prøvning |
Personlige værnemidler |
Åndedrætsværn |
Praktisk funktionsprøvning |
EN 13274-2:2019. Respiratory protective devices - Methods of test - Part 2: Practical performance tests |
Brøndby |
Fysisk og mekanisk prøvning |
Personlige værnemidler |
Kemikaliebeskyttelse |
EN 943-1:2015+A1:2019. Protective clothing against dangerous solid, liquid and gaseous chemicals, including liquid and solid aerosols - Part 1: Performance requirements for Type 1 (gas-tight) chemical protective suits. |
Prgf. 4.4 samt følgende prgf'er for Type 1 dragter: 5.1, 5.3, 5.4, 5.6, 5.6.1, 5.6.2, 5.6.4, 5.6.5, 5.8, 5.8.1, 5.8.2, 5.10, 5.11, 5.16 Del 2: 6.2 og 8 |
Brøndby |
Fysisk og mekanisk prøvning |
Personlige værnemidler |
Kemikaliebeskyttelse |
Tæthed i kemikalie-beskyttelsesdragt |
ISO 17491-1:2012; Protective clothing – Test methods for clothing providing protection against chemicals – Part 1: Determination of resistance to outward leakage of gases (internal pressure test) |
Brøndby |
Fysisk og mekanisk prøvning |
Personlige værnemidler |
Kemikaliebeskyttelse |
EN 14325:2018 Protective clothing against chemicals-Test methods and performance classification and chemical protective clothing materials, seams, joins and assemblages |
Prgf. 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.10, 4.14, 4.15, 5.5
Brøndby |
Fysisk og mekanisk prøvning |
Personlige værnemidler |
Kemikaliebeskyttelse |
EN 1073-1:2016+A1:2018; Protective clothing against solid airborne particles including radioactive contamination – Part 1: Requirements and test methods for compressed air line ventilated protective clothing, protecting the body and the respiratory tract |
Brøndby |
Fysisk og mekanisk prøvning |
Personlige værnemidler |
Kemikaliebeskyttelse |
EN 1073-2:2002
Protective clothing against radioactive contamination – Part 2: Requirements and test methods for non-ventilated protective clothing against particulate radioactive contamination
Brøndby |
Fysisk og mekanisk prøvning |
Metaller |
Bøjeprøvning |
Banenorm BN2-63-1:2021. Proceduregodkendelse af svejseprocesser |
§12.5 |
Brøndby |
Fysisk og mekanisk prøvning |
Metaller |
Bøjeprøvning |
DS/EN 14730-1:2017 Jernbaner; Spor; Aluminotermisk svejsning af skinner. Del 1: Godkendelse af svejseprocesser |
BN2-63-1:2021. Proceduregodkendelse af svejseprocesser |
§7.3 Slow Bend Test og Annex E |
Brøndby |
Fysisk og mekanisk prøvning |
Brandslukningsudstyr |
Håndildslukkere |
EN 3-9:2006/AC:2007. Portable fire extinguishers - Part 9: Additional requirements to EN 3-7 for pressure resistance of CO2 extinguishers. |
Brøndby |
Fysisk og mekanisk prøvning |
Brandslukningsudstyr |
Håndildslukkere |
EN 3-7:2004+A1:2007. Portable fire extinguishers - Part 7: Characteristics, performance requirements and test methods. |
Brøndby |
Fysisk og mekanisk prøvning |
Brandslukningsudstyr |
Håndildslukkere |
SBC 225:2010. Certificeringsordning for håndildslukkere. |
Brøndby |
Fysisk og mekanisk prøvning |
Brandslukningsudstyr |
Håndildslukkere |
EN 3-8:2006/AC:2007; Portable fire extinguisher; Part 8: Additional requirements to EN 3-7 for the constructions, resistance for pressure and mechanical tests for extinguishers with a maximum pressure equal to or lower than 30 bar |
Brøndby |
Fysisk og mekanisk prøvning |
Brandslukningsudstyr |
Håndildslukkere |
EN 3-8:2021; Portable fire extinguisher – Part 8: Requirements for the construction, pressure resistance and mechanical tests for extinguishers with a maximum allowed pressure equal to or lower than 30 bar, which comply with the requirements of EN 3-7. |
Brøndby |
Fysisk og mekanisk prøvning |
Sikkerhedsudstyr |
Fodværn |
EN ISO 20344:2011. Personal protective equipment – Test methods
for footwear |
Brøndby |
Fysisk og mekanisk prøvning |
Sikkerhedsudstyr |
Fodværn |
EN ISO 20345:2011. Personal protective equipment – Safety footwear |
Brøndby |
Fysisk og mekanisk prøvning |
Sikkerhedsudstyr |
Fodværn |
EN ISO 20346:2014. Fodværn - Beskyttelsesfodtøj. |
Brøndby |
Fysisk og mekanisk prøvning |
Sikkerhedsudstyr |
Fodværn |
EN ISO 20347:2012. Personal protective equipment – Occupational
footwear |
Brøndby |
Fysisk og mekanisk prøvning |
Sikkerhedsudstyr |
Overlevelsesdragter |
EN ISO 15027-1:2012. Immersion suits – Part 1: Constant wear suits,
requirements including safety |
Brøndby |
Fysisk og mekanisk prøvning |
Sikkerhedsudstyr |
Overlevelsesdragter |
EN ISO 15027-2:2012.Immersion suits – Part 2: Abandonment suits,
requirements including safety |
Brøndby |
Fysisk og mekanisk prøvning |
Sikkerhedsudstyr |
Overlevelsesdragter |
EN ISO 15027-3:2012. Immersion suits – Part 3: Test methods |
Brøndby |
Fysisk og mekanisk prøvning |
Sikkerhedsudstyr |
Faldsikring |
EN 353-1:2014+A1:2017. Personal fall protection equipment - Guided type fall arresters including an anchor line - Part 1: Guided type fall arresters including a rigid anchor line |
Brøndby |
Fysisk og mekanisk prøvning |
Sikkerhedsudstyr |
Faldsikring |
EN 361:2002. Full body harnesses. |
Brøndby |
Fysisk og mekanisk prøvning |
Sikkerhedsudstyr |
Faldsikring |
EN 813:2008. Personal protective equipment for prevention of falls from a height. Sit harnesses. |
Brøndby |
Fysisk og mekanisk prøvning |
Sikkerhedsudstyr |
Faldsikring |
EN 1498:2006. Personal fall protection equipment - Rescue loops. |
Brøndby |
Fysisk og mekanisk prøvning |
Sikkerhedsudstyr |
Faldsikring |
EN 358:2018. Personal protective equipment for work positioning and prevention of falls from a height - Belts and lanyards for work positioning or restraint. |
Brøndby |
Fysisk og mekanisk prøvning |
Sikkerhedsudstyr |
Faldsikring |
EN 795:2012. Anchorage devices. Class A, B, E |
Brøndby |
Fysisk og mekanisk prøvning |
Sikkerhedsudstyr |
Faldsikring |
EN 1497:2007. Personal fall protection equipment - Rescue harnesses |
Brøndby |
Fysisk og mekanisk prøvning |
Sikkerhedsudstyr |
Redningsveste |
EN ISO 12402-2 ver. 2 år 2020 Personal Floatation devices – Lifejackets, performance level 275 – Safety Requirements |
Brøndby |
Fysisk og mekanisk prøvning |
Sikkerhedsudstyr |
Redningsveste |
EN ISO 12402-8 ver. 2 år 2020 Personal floatation devices – accessories – safety requirements and test methods |
Brøndby |
Fysisk og mekanisk prøvning |
Sikkerhedsudstyr |
Redningsveste |
EN ISO 12402-4 ver. 2 år 2020 Personal Floatation devices – Lifejackets, performance level 100 – Safety Requirements |
Brøndby |
Fysisk og mekanisk prøvning |
Sikkerhedsudstyr |
Redningsveste |
EN ISO 12402-3 ver. 2 år 2020 Personal Floatation devices – Lifejackets, performance level 150 – Safety Requirements |
Brøndby |
Fysisk og mekanisk prøvning |
Sikkerhedsudstyr |
Redningsveste |
EN ISO 12402-5 ver. 2 år 2020 Personal Floatation devices – Lifejackets, performance level 50 – Safety Requirements |
Brøndby |